
How Do Guys Feel When They Make A Girl Cry

Despite what men may think or what "social norms" may nevertheless be, women actually do adopt a man who isn't afraid to wearable his emotions on his sleeve, a new survey has institute.

According to the survey of 1,500 people by Aristocracy Singles, 95 per cent of women say they adopt a homo who is open nigh his emotions, while 97 per cent say they find that men crying is considered either strong, natural or healthy.

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Nevertheless one in six men still believes that women don't want to run into them testify their emotions, despite the finding that men are more likely to cry because of honey than women (xiii per cent vs. 11 per cent, respectively).

"This disparity betwixt how men imagine women perceive their behaviour, and how women actually perceive men certainly goes a long way to explaining why many men experience they shouldn't cry or evidence strong emotion," the survey reads. "Further, among women with partners who took the survey, 81 per cent stated that they would like their partner to show more emotion."

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The survey also found that 27 per of male person respondents admitted to crying at least once every few months while xiv per cent said one time a week. 2 per cent said they weep every twenty-four hour period, while half dozen per cent say they never cry.

The bulk of women surveyed, however (47 per cent), admitted to crying at least once a month.

The virtually mutual reason both men and women cry is because of sadness, the survey reveals (58 per cent of men and sixty per cent of women). This is followed by happiness (11 per cent of men and 10 per cent of women) and hurting (six per cent of men and viii per cent of women).

But ane thing both genders agree on: order makes it hard for men to open up upward.

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The results of the survey aren't surprising to relationship expert Chantal Heide of Canada's Dating Coach.

"Men take been conditioned to not only hide their feelings, but to then encompass up how much they're covering up their feelings," she says. "All this leads to greatly sad statistics – that men will suffer more low, alcohol and drug addiction, and suicide rates than women considering they don't feel comfy opening upward and letting it all out."

In fact, according to Statistics Canada, the suicide charge per unit for men was three times higher than the rate for women in 2009 (almost 18 versus 5 per 100,000).

The much college rate of male suicide is a tendency that Canada has been experiencing for over the past threescore years, Statistics Canada says.

"The fact is, men and women don't share the same emotional world," Heide points out. "But all feelings can go dysfunctional when we're agape to face up them. This is why women yearn to see men cry – they understand at a primal level how good for you that really is, even those choosing to be stoic themselves when faced with their ain sad emotions."

Heide says she believes the disconnect comes from a combination of things: men's natural instincts to shelve anything that doesn't serve to be hard working and functional, while being influenced by a civilisation that says strong people don't cry.

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"Many men who work hard to be the providers of their households will shelve emotions in order to 'go the job done,'" she says. "Their No. 1 focus is ensuring that their family has security, and annihilation that would get in the way of performance at a loftier level on a daily basis is put aside until 'information technology's more convenient.'"

This means emotions tin go years without existence addressed because too oftentimes, men fear that opening the doors to their feelings could leave them emotionally and physically spent, Heide adds.

But being open about 1's emotions and the willingness to weep in front end of your partner is important, Heide says, as it's a large display of trust – not weakness.

Because of this lack of agreement with both men and women, no one is fully opening up their feelings and equally a effect, not fully delving into what it means to dear and support one some other, she says.

"Emotions that are suppressed have damaging furnishings on our mental and physical wellness," Heide explains. "And too many suppressed negative emotions can pb to depression. Real, loving and intimate relationships are those that accept place in real life, pregnant nosotros journeying together through ups and downs. But this is most incommunicable if long repressed negative emotions are interfering with today's exchange."

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It'due south important that people, especially men, exist taught how to talk about their feelings, she adds, simply couples don't often know how to go about gaining that kind of honest exchange.

So that's why communication – both talking and listening – is of import for both sexes.

"Think that anger is the byproduct of hurt, and unless we address our core pains, we're doomed to stay in acrimony forever, continuously blaming each other for the pain acquired by deeply-rooted wounds," Heide says.

How Do Guys Feel When They Make A Girl Cry,


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